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Automated Invoice Processing

Why Your Business Needs Invoice Approval Workflow Software

by Yooz the 07.18.2024

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Unfortunately for the everyday accounts payable professional, and somehow in this modern day and age, invoice approval remains a common issue. Too many organisations are still using spreadsheets or paper documents. Recent research commissioned by Yooz found that one in five businesses across mainland Europe still use manual processes for invoice approval - equating to millions of companies around the world.

What’s more surprising is that just 18% of EU businesses currently use some form of automated digital invoice processing software. So why are organisations still stuck in their old ways and not adopting paperless accounting processes? Especially when the issues surrounding manual invoice approval - such as approval errors, delayed/lost invoices and late payments to name a few - have long been documented.

Automating invoice approval workflows can help. Here’s how.


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What is invoice approval workflow software? And why do I need an invoice approval process?


Manual processes, such as emailing vendors to chase invoices, inserting data into Excel spreadsheets, or sending and archiving paper documents, are boring, old-fashioned and costly. Not just in monetary terms either, as mistakes and late payments caused by human error can cause fractured relationships with customers, suppliers and even employees.

It’s clear businesses need a better solution for their invoice approval needs. The use of digital invoice approval software has taken away the pre-existing reliance and trust on individuals within the organisation, such as the accounts payable professional, the financial director or the CFO. Invoice approval workflow software essentially automates key steps within the traditional process to produce faster, better and more accurate results.

The technology behind the solution, a combination of machine learning and artificial intelligence, may sound complicated, but digital invoice approval software is generally


it doesn’t take a genius to do this or implement within finance departments.


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How can I get an Invoice approved in simple steps by the team?

It all starts with a simple scan of a document, such as a digital invoice in need of approval and payment. Once scanned, the system automatically matches the information with supporting documents such as purchase orders and receipts and then logs the data into the system records.

Line items such as purchase order number, supplier name, address, invoice number and even VAT are automatically registered, meaning there’s no need to spend hours inserting data into a spreadsheet.

From here, the digital invoice approval software works with your chosen ERP solution to provide accounts payable staff with a complete view of the status of work, receive real-time notifications and approve any outstanding invoices - all at the click of a button.

The use of automated invoice approval workflows is transforming the way accounts payable staff operate. It’s no longer about just crunching the numbers, but becoming a key focal point in improving communication, collaboration and relationships with suppliers and customers.

Remote work employees or those on the go can also approve, reject or question invoices anywhere, any time using a mobile device, making the solution entirely flexible.



How does invoice approval workflow software benefit my company?


From a company point of view, you want to make sure that any new piece of software is reliable and secure. Invoice approval software provides full visibility and traceability of documents, giving accounts payable staff the capability to easily identify and resolve any bottlenecks with a complete trail of approval history.

It’s also completely secure, as only nominated members of the team have access to the platform, which is password-protected with two-factor authentication, even on mobile devices.

But the benefits to the wider company can also be seen in a sharp increase in productivity. Accounts payable staff also tend to feel liberated from no longer having to spend as much time working on menial, labour-intensive tasks, leaving them more availability for strategic, value-added projects. 



Benefits of Yooz Description
Efficiency and Speed Automates key steps, reducing approval times from weeks to hours.
Accuracy Minimises errors and reduces the risk of lost or delayed invoices.
Cost Reduction Decreases processing costs by up to 80%, eliminating manual data entry and errors.
Enhanced Visibility Provides full visibility and traceability of documents, with a complete trail of approval history.
Security Offers secure access with password protection and two-factor authentication, even on mobile devices.
Improved Collaboration Facilitates better communication and collaboration among accounts payable staff and suppliers.
Flexibility Allows remote approval of invoices from any location using mobile devices.
Productivity Boost Frees up staff to focus on strategic tasks instead of manual processes.
Integration with ERP Systems Seamlessly integrates with existing ERP systems for streamlined operations.
Scalability Adapts to businesses of all sizes, handling various invoice volumes efficiently.
Real-Time Notifications Provides real-time updates and notifications, improving workflow management.
AI and Machine Learning Utilises AI and machine learning to continuously improve accuracy and efficiency.
Cloud-Based Solution Enables secure, cloud-based storage and access to invoices, facilitating remote and hybrid work.
User-Friendly Interface Easy to set up and use without extensive training, with support available if needed.
Market Recognition Trusted by businesses and recognised with prestigious awards for its innovative solutions.


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Why pick Yooz for invoice approval workflow software?

For more than fourteen years now, our team of experts have been working, learning and fine-tuning our technology to make it one of the most powerful on the market today. Over that time, the Yooz platform has scanned, captured and recorded more than 200 million invoices from more than a million different vendors. Yooz has learnt from every single document it has processed, to continually improve and provide the fastest, simplest and most secure digital invoice approval platform. For example, even with the number of different formats, document types and templates used for invoices - from Word docs to PDFs - Yooz still understands and learns from every single invoice.

Using a combination of automation, AI and machine learning, we take away all of the hours spent on menial, repetitive tasks - meaning most invoices don’t ever have to be touched or processed by a human, unless in the most unusual of circumstances. Most of our customers can expect to see around an 80% reduction in processing cost per invoice, as well as invoice approval times going from weeks to just hours.

Accounts payable staff can perform a quick search across different office locations, accounting departments and geographies, and have results in front of them quicker than a Google search. In addition to this, as it’s a cloud solution, it can be used on smartphones wherever employees are based - useful in a world of remote and hybrid working.

Yooz automation for accounts payable makes invoice approval easy, enabling teams to take advantage of productivity benefits never seen before. It’s about time others got on board and experienced the transformative power of automated invoice processing, streamlining operations and unlocking new levels of efficiency across the finance department.



1. What are the benefits of using invoice approval workflow software?

Using invoice approval workflow software like Yooz streamlines your entire P2P process, from purchase request to payment. With Yooz, 80% of invoices are automated without any prior setup, significantly reducing manual errors and processing times. Our solution combines real-time AI performance with extreme simplicity, allowing you to start in just one hour with no training. This leads to increased efficiency, reduced costs and improved accuracy in your accounts payable process.

2. How does Yooz ensure the security of invoice data?

Yooz places a high priority on data security. Our platform was born in the Cloud, which means it leverages advanced security measures to protect your confidential information. We use state-of-the-art encryption, secure data centres and regular security audits to ensure that your invoice data is always safe. Additionally, our system's real-time AI capabilities help detect and prevent fraudulent activities, further safeguarding your financial operations.

3. Can Yooz's invoice approval workflow software integrate with our existing systems?

Yes, Yooz is designed to seamlessly integrate with a wide range of existing ERP and accounting systems. Our solution's flexibility ensures that it can be easily adapted to your current workflows without disrupting your operations. By integrating Yooz with your existing systems, you can enhance your financial processes with minimal hassle and maximise the benefits of automated invoice processing.

4. What makes Yooz different from other invoice approval workflow software?

Yooz stands out from other invoice approval workflow software due to its unparalleled combination of real-time AI performance, simplicity and business value. Unlike other solutions, Yooz allows you to automate 80% of your invoices without prior setup and start using the system in just one hour with no training required. Our all-in-one platform automates every stage of your P2P process, providing unmatched efficiency and accuracy. Recognised by prestigious awards and trusted by the global financial ecosystem, Yooz is the leading choice for innovative and effective invoice approval workflow software.


    Invoice Approval Workflow Software for your Business

    Invoice Approval Workflow Software for your Business



    Invoice Approval Workflow Software for your Business