Paperless Accounts Payable

How's your accounting?

Because not taking advantage of a paperless accounts payable system can set you back 10 years!

Simply exchanging manual processing for a  paperless system will allow your team to be more productive, efficient, and have more time to contribute to value-added tasks. All while saving time and money.


How to Make Accounts Payable Paperless


Eliminating paper from your Accounts Payable process has a number of benefits for businesses of all sizes. The benefits of a paperless invoice and payment process go beyond the paper cuts, stacks of mail and filing cabinets full of documents. The main benefits of a paperless Accounts Payable workflow are higher speed, accuracy, efficiency, lower costs and optimized cash management.
The question becomes how to make Accounts Payable paperless? The answer is automate your entire P2P process with an advanced, cloud-based AP automation solution like Yooz.

Shedding the Paperweight With A Paperless Accounts Payable System


A paperless accounts payable system frees up your AP team's time, cabinet space and saves money by eliminating shipping and material costs. Many AP departments don't realize how paper is weighing them down and causing them to fall way behind their competition. Shedding the paperweight is easy when you transition to e-invoicing to streamline your AP process.

Rev Up Your Engine with Paperless AP Software


Paperless accounts payable software can really get the engine of a dealership roaring, no matter its size or how spread out its operations are. Leveraging AP software not only reduces costs by empowering the automotive industry's bottom line to go paperless, it creates a whole new level of transparency and visibility that profoundly changes the way a dealership does business from procurement-to-payment. 

How To Win With a Paperless Invoice Approval System


Apaperless accounts payable process has many financial and even strategic advantages for an organization. That’s particularly true for the automotive space, where dealerships often have a large geographical footprint and their general managers want to focus on strategic priorities to drive profitability at their dealerships rather than deal with heaps of purchase orders, expenses reports and invoices.


Yooz, the leader in accounts payable automation, has been innovating this paperless AP process for decades. After having processed more than 100 million invoices for our clients around the world, we can say with confidence that a completely paperless invoice approval system is possible and achievable for everyone. Digital transformation was never easier and it can quickly save precious time and money to boost efficiency, productivity and job satisfaction at any dealership.


“We’d have to physically take the invoices from store to store or email them and hope that they didn’t get overlooked. Once a week, we’d do a ‘round robin’ to get the General Managers’ signatures on checks. One day, the stack would go to one manager, the next day to another. Our process felt a lot like herding cats.”

Leveraging Technology for an Accounts Payable Paperless Workflow


The AP process has historically been manual and heavily paper based. While some parts have adapted to advances in technology (think accounting software packages or Excel), most remain outdated practices that can create challenges for any company wanting to have an efficient, optimized system in place. The truth is that a poorly defined and paper-based invoice process can affect the entire organization. One of the best ways to ensure that this doesn’t happen - that your process is fast, accurate, and cost-saving versus cost-inducing – is to leverage technology to achieve an accounts payable paperless workflow.

Let's talk!

Are you ready to learn more about how to make AP paperless or have any question about AP automation? We'd love to hear from you!

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