Yooz Solves Top Restaurant AP Pain Points

  • •  High volume of detailed, complex invoices
  • •  Price fluctuations
  • •  Complicated inventory management
  • •  Labor and staffing struggles
  • •  Supply chain issues
  • •  Lack of comparative invoice data
  • •  Lost or missing invoices
  • •  Missed or late invoice payments
Restaurant Invoice Management-1

Today's restaurant industry is increasingly competitive, highly dependent upon consumer dining preferences, and economic conditions that are outside of the restaurant’s direct control. As a result, restaurants are focusing on creative ways to maintain control over their cash flow while building meaningful relationships with their suppliers and customers. Accounts Payable automation is the answer to their concerns.


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Tim carter

"Many of the providers we considered offered a 500-pound solution for our 10-pound problem. Yooz, seamlessly integrated with the Sage Intacct ERP, was the perfect fit. And it will scale as we grow."


- Tim Carter, CFO Salsarita's


Read the Salsarita Success Story


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Learn more about Restaurant Invoice Management

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A Multi-Course Workflow: Accounts Payable for Restaurants

This is a place where every minute and cent counts both in the front end and back. Accounts Payable automation can make all the difference.

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Recipe for Success: Restaurant Invoice Processing

Automating restaurant invoice processing can streamlining and simplifying all the way from improving supplier relations to ensuring on-time payments.

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The Best Accounting Software for Restaurants: Your Key to Success



When it comes to running a restaurant you can only manage what you measure. Fortunately, automation software can help address industry-specific needs.

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